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The smell of success

The smell of success

Everyone has a nose but some noses are special. One such is parfumier Stephen Cordina who has just opened his atelier of scent in Valletta.

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Perfume, another aspect of beauty

Perfume, another aspect of beauty

PERFUMER STEPHEN CORDINA talks the making of perfume and its joys to Marie Benoît. born in Gozo, his father a strict police sergeant.  He had come to Malta at the age of 20 years...

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Aroma and therapy stand at Birgufest

Aroma and therapy stand at Birgufest

Over 1,000 candles were lit on Stephen Cordina’s aroma and therapy stand at BirguFest. Cordina, the creator and manufacturer of fine, all-natural home fragrance, bathroom and cosmetic products, is seen...

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